More info about Stretch Therapy

What is Stretch Therapy?

In the South African based stretch therapy practices the majority of patients benefiting the most from this treatment are those suffering from chronic musculoskeletal pain. Including muscular atrophy, joint pathology, spinal degenerative conditions, pre-surgical rehabilitation & mobilization, sport injury and professional sports performance.

Getting assistance during stretching is very crucial in achieving maximal results and minimal injuries. Hans de Wit, Master Therapist will exactly know where to take you and where to stop, working each muscle individually until a complete uniform balance is achieved.

image 1Stretching has been scientifically proven to have an ‘analgesic effect’ making patients feel better immediately while still having the full advantage of a very precise and isolated rehabilitation session.
Stretch Therapy spans the entire technique called ‘active isolated stretching’ and ‘active isolated strengthening’. This technique is very useful right from rehabilitation to performance enhancement. Stretch therapy comprises the following main elements:

Together, Stretch Therapy elements enable anyone to improve flexibility, to perform ordinary and extraordinary tasks with greater ease and better performance for longer in life.

Stretch Therapy is the safest, most efficient method for anyone to achieve grace and ease in daily life, whether as an office worker, or an athlete. Stretch Therapy is used by pregnant women, teenagers, sports people, coaches, employers, and men and women of all ages.

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Benefits of Active Isolated Stretching:

Improves flexibility
Helps to relieve muscle soreness
Reduces muscle spasm
Helps to address and reduce chronic pain
Reduces the risk of muscle strain and tearing
Helps recovery from injury
Helps to increase athletic performance
Helps to relieve stress
Improves oxygen and nutrient delivery to cells
Helps stimulate lymph circulation and elimination of cellular waste
Helps to maintain good posture
Helps to regain and maintain the full range of motion of a joint
Promotes balance in the body
Promotes healthy growth in children and youth
Prevent postural problems in pre-adolescent growth spurs

image 3Stretching SA is proud to announce Stretch Therapy is now available to you in Johannesburg by Master Therapist, Hans de Wit. Hans de Wit is the founder of StretchingSA and a qualified sport massage therapist (2002), sport and exercise technologist, exercise physiologist and accredited Mattes stretching therapist.
Hans De Wit is a member of the South African Sports Medicine Association and presents seminars and workshops on active isolated stretching too many healthcare professionals, athletes and trainers around the country. He currently directs stretching & rehabilitation clinics in Pretoria and Centurion, South Africa.

You can contact us on: 011 792 1616, 012 991 8710
Cost is R450 per session.
For more information visit or email us at

Have a great day!
Stretching SA